프로그램 소개
- *APRU(Association of Pacific Rim Universities): 환태평양 연안의 60개 주요 연구중심대학의 총장 회원으로 구성. 부산대학교는 국내 대학 중 6번째로 가입.
- 온라인으로, 무료로 본교 수학과 동시에 수학 가능
- 수업 시작 시기에 따라 SEASON 1~3로 운영, Season1, 2는 정규학기, Season3는 집중 단기 학기 (1주, 1달 등 다양하게 운영) 제공
(기준: ’22-’23 VSE프로그램)
구분 |
SEASON1(정규) |
SEASON2(정규) |
SEASON3(집중,단기) |
수업시작일 |
’23년 7월~12월 |
’23년 1월~6월 |
’23년 5월~8월 |
- PRU 소속 대학의 학부생 (※교환학생, 방문학생은 수강 불가)
- 개설 대학 수업 요구사항에 따라 자격요건이 다름
- 본교에서 2학기 이상 이수자 또는 이수예정자
- 파견 직전학기 학사경고 비부과자
- 프로그램 종료 후 본교에서 한 학기 이상 수학 가능한 자
- 타대학에서 이수할 수 있는 학점이 남아있는 자
(정규학기) 한 학기 파견기준 최소 12학점 이상 남아있는 자
(방학기간) 지원 대학의 프로그램별 인정학점 이상
신청 내용 및 절차
- 1개 학기 당 1과목 신청 가능, 해외 대학 과목(※국내 대학 과목은 신청 불가)
※최대 5과목 15학점까지 인정 가능, 최대 5개 학기까지 가능 - 아래 절차에 따라 지원 시기 및 지원요건을 확인 후 신청
프로그램 개설 대학 (Season 1 기준)
연번 |
국가 |
대학명 |
과목명 |
1 |
Australia |
UNSW Sydney |
Big Fat Myths |
Creating Social Change: From Innovation to Impact |
Personal Finance |
Creative Entrepreneurship |
Law in the Digital Age |
Introduction to Astronomy |
Psychological Science of Wellbeing |
2 |
Indonesia |
Universitas Indonesia |
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence & Data Science |
Mental Floss in Youth |
Leadership in Psychological Perspective |
Introduction of Biostatistics |
3 |
Thailand |
Chulalongkorn University |
Wine Education |
Aerodynamics II |
Plant Growing Technology |
Organic Gardening |
Auditing |
Creative Writing for Printed Matter |
News, Editorial, Feature Writing and Editing |
Stakeholder Engagement for Innovators |
4 |
Singapore |
Nanyang Technological University |
Business Valuation: From Theory to Practice |
Equations of Life |
Fundementals of Management |
Special Topics in Biotechnology |
Media Literacy & Society |
Science Fiction Film |
Calculus II |
Ethics and Moral Reasoning |
5 |
University of California, Santa Cruz |
Comparative Theories Of Race And Ethnicity |
Geology of National Parks |
World History of Science |
Semantics 1 |
Management of Technology Seminar |
6 |
Mexico |
Tecnológico de Monterrey |
Innovation, Markets and Technological Development |
Media, Culture and Society |
Introduction to Mexican Culture |
Spanish as a Foreign Language I A (Basic Spanish 1) |
Global brands and product development |
Negotiation Techniques and International Trade |
Business Ethics |
Citizenship and Democracy |
Human Capital Attraction and Retention |
Creativity and Innovation for Problem Solving |
7 |
Hong Kong SAR |
The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Globalization and Culture |
Topical Studies in Journalism II: Infographics and Data Visualisation |
International Relations and International Law |
Global Environmental Challenges |
8 |
China |
Nanjing University |
Advanced Industrial Economics |
Research on Health and Health Inequality |
Community and Cultural Identity |
Intercultural Communication |
Ethics in Artificial Intelligence |
Appreciating and Curating Art |
9 |
China |
Zhejiang University |
Media Convergence |
Pathophysiology |
Advanced Organic Chemistry-Physical Organic Chemistry |
Materials Crystal Chemisty |
10 |
China |
Tsinghua University |
Government and Politics of China |
Brief Introduction to Psychology |
Confucius and His Critics |
Probability and Stochastic Processes (1) |
Electromagnetic Field and Wave |
Foundations of Logic |
Game Theory |
11 |
Hong Kong SAR |
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology |
Chemistry in Everyday Life |
General Chemistry 1B |
C Programming Bridging Course |
Java Programming Bridging Course |
Python Programming Bridging Course |
Excel VBA Programming Bridging Course |
Entrepreneurship 1001: Building Your Own Future |
Biochemistry II |
Managing CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) |
Environmental Science |
12 |
Australia |
The University of Sydney |
Foundations of Data Science |
Food, Sustainability and Planetary Health |
Introduction to International Relations |
Cross-Cultural Management |
Digital Business Innovation |
Marketing Principles |
13 |
China |
Shanghai Jiao Tong University |
Theoretical Basis and MindSpore Development Practice |
Elementary Chinese 1 |
Two Thousand Years of Sino-foreign Cultural Exchanges |
Bank Management |
Lie Groups and Lie Algebras |
Materials Chemistry |
Fundamentals of Materials Science 2 |
Computational Physics |
Data Structures and Algorithms |
VLSI Design I |
14 |
Chile |
Universidad de Chile |
Latin American Politics and World Affairs |
The Chilean Political Crisis: Tools for Political Analysis |
European Union Law & Latinamerican Integration |
El Proceso Constituyente en Chile para la creación de una nueva constitución (class in Spanish) |
History of Art: Chilean Heritage |
15 |
Japan |
Keio University |
Deep Culture Difference: Understanding Japan Through Cross-Cultural Comparison |
Japanese Linguistics in Sociocultural Context |
Otaku Culture in Japan and its Transnational Relations |
Cultural Presuppositions in Japanese Communication |
16 |
Japan |
Kyushu University |
Japanese Society in the Era of Globalization |
17 |
Japan |
Nagoya University |
Basic Japanese Language Course 1 |
Basic Japanese Language Course 2 |
Japanese Grammar and Communication |
18 |
Japan |
Tohoku University |
Global Career Development on Japanese Management System |
Japanese Corporate Culture, Decision-Making |
Japanese Communication Behaviors: Business |
Universities in Japan and the World |
Practicum in Education for International Understanding |
19 |
China |
University of Science and Technology of China |
Particle Cosmology (Zhihuishu online) |
Safety in the Chemical Laboratory (icourse online) |
20 |
Japan |
Waseda University |
Introduction to International Relations 01 |
Computational Approaches to Complex Systems and Networks with Python 1 |
Business in the Natural Environment 1 |
Contemporary Japanese Society |
Southeast Asian Studies |
History of Metaphysics and of its Critique |
21 |
Japan |
Osaka University |
Intelligence and Learning |
Fundamentals of Computer Science |
Japan: Society and Ideology |
Managing Innovation and Change |
Internationalization of Higher Education in Japan |
Osaka University Anniversary Lecture |
Effectively Communicating Your Science and Research |
- 교과 구분과 학점은 소속 학과에서 심의를 통해 결정
① (국제처) 성적표 확인 → ② (소속 학과) 학과 회의에서 결정 → ③ (소속 단과대학) 교육혁신과로 학점인정 요청 → ④ (교육혁신과) 학점인정
※ 취득학점은 학점 수에는 반영되나, 성적 평점 평균에는 반영되지 않음
※ 성적은 외국대학에서 발급한 성적표에 표기된 대로 성적표에 반영 - 본교 학사 운영 제도*와 달리 VSE프로그램은 Season제 (수업개설시기)로 운영함에 따라 아래와 같이 학점인정 적용 시기에 대한 기준을 정함
* 학칙 제33조(학년도, 학기): 제 1학기, 3.1.~8월 말 / 제 2학기, 9.1.~다음 해 2월 말
- Season1(9.1. ~ 12.31.) : 2학기 학점으로 인정
- Season2(1.1. ~ 4.30.) : 1학기 학점으로 인정
- Season3(5.1. ~ 8.31.) : 여름 계절학기 학점으로 인정